Via de LinkedIn groep Saba-Cultural Heritage en ook via eenzelfde groep op Facebook wordt geprobeerd meer mensen te betrekken bij het vollediger maken van de website. Inhoudelijke bijdragen, toevoegen van links naar meer materiaal, kritiek op zowel inhoud als opzet van de website, onderlinge contacten tussen leden van de groepen, alles is zeer welkom!
Already in 2006 was the Saban Cultural Heritage on-line!
Aangepast op 2 september 2024
All aspects of Saba including cultural heritage were represented in an initiative from SESNA in 2006 called “Know your Island”
Dear people interested in the Cultural Heritage of Saba,
Some progress has been made, in making the website but much more has to be done:
We are striving for creating a group of supporters and therefor a Facebook group has been made:
Saba-Cultural Heritage
But also a LinkedIn group:
Saba-Cultural Heritage
Please become member of one of those groups.
Also WhatsApp might be a solution, but that is for later.
Mistake!!! It is: